This standard defines a common interoperable format that will be used for the design of a) large-scale integration (LSI), b) packages for such LSI, and c) printed circuit boards on which the packaged LSIs are interconnected. Collectively, such designs are referred to as LSI-Package-Board (LPB) designs. The format provides a common way to specify information/data about the project management, netlists, components, design rules, and geometries used in LPB designs.
The general purpose of this standard is to develop a common format that LPB design tools can use to exchange information/data seamlessly, as opposed to having to work with multiple different input and output formats.
Revision Standard - Active.A method is provided for specifying a common interoperable format for electronic systems design. The format provides a common way to specify information/data about the project management, netlists, components, design rules, and geometries used in the large-scale integration-package-board designs. The method provides the ability to make electronic systems a key consideration early in the design process; design tools can use it to seamlessly exchange information/data.