IEEE 1277-2020
IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Code for Dry-Type and Oil-Immersed Smoothing Reactors and for Dry-Type Converter Reactors for DC Power Transmission
The scope of this standard is the definition and specification of the functional requirements and test code for dry-type and oil-immersed smoothing reactors and dry-type converter reactors for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission. This standard only applies to smoothing reactors for dc transmission and converter reactors for dc transmission located at the converter arms.
The purpose of this standard is to provide those in the HVDC industry, manufacturers, and a??end usersa?? a document that defines and specifies the electrical, mechanical, and physical requirements of dry-type and oil-immersed smoothing reactors for HVDC applications. Furthermore, the document defines and specifies electrical, mechanical, and physical requirements of dry-type converter reactors used for voltage-sourced HVDC converters (VSC HVDC) that are located at the converter arms and loaded with dc and ac current. Test code is also defined and specified. Converter reactors are usually built in dry-type air-core and air-cooled design. Thus, only this type of converter reactor design is considered in this standard. In addition, appropriate technical background information, that will facilitate the use of this standard, is presented or identified.
Revision Standard - Active.The electrical, mechanical, and physical requirements of oil-immersed and dry-type air-core smoothing reactors and dry-type air-core converter reactors for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) applications are specified. Test code is defined and appropriate technicalbackground information is presented or identified.